Four Pulse sites among nation’s top performing hospitals for treatment of heart attack patients

Four Pulse sites among nation’s top performing hospitals for treatment of heart attack patients

Auburn Medical Center, Good Samaritan Hospital and Tacoma General Hospital have received the American College of Cardiology NCDR Chest Pain  ̶  MI Registry Platinum Performance Achievement Award, and Deaconess Hospital received the American College of Cardiology NCDR Chest Pain  ̶  MI Registry Silver Performance Achievement Award for 2021.

The award recognizes Auburn Medical Center, Good Samaritan Hospital, Tacoma General Hospital and Deaconess Hospital for their commitment to and success in implementing a higher standard of care for heart attack patients and signifies that they’ve reached an aggressive goal of treating these patients to standard levels of care as outlined by the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association clinical guidelines and recommendations.

“These awards are presented to hospitals with a cardiac cath lab and PCI program and are based on a composite of many care components. They recognize the outstanding work and outcomes at MultiCare Hospitals. I am proud to see that all four eligible MultiCare Hospitals received awards this year,” said Seaneen Holmes, Pulse Director of Quality. Daniel Guerra, MD, Coronary Artery Disease COE Physician Leader explained, “This really is an impressive achievement for the entire team and it reflects all our efforts to provide the highest quality care…it’s nice to see our efforts recognized by the American College of Cardiology.”

“As American College of Cardiology NCDR Chest Pain  ̶  MI Registry Award recipients, these Pulse sites have established themselves as leaders in setting the national standard for improving quality of care in patients with acute myocardial infarction,” said Michael C. Kontos, MD, FACC, chair of the NCDR Chest Pain – MI Registry Steering Subcommittee, and cardiologist at Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center. “By meeting the award requirements set forth in the registry, they have demonstrated a commitment to providing reliable, comprehensive treatment for heart attack patients based on current clinical guideline recommendations.”

Chest Pain ̶ MI Registry empowers health care provider teams to consistently treat heart attack patients according to the most current, science-based guidelines and establishes a national standard for understanding and improving the quality, safety and outcomes of care provided for patients with coronary artery disease, specifically high-risk heart attack patients. Full participation in the registry engages hospitals in a robust quality improvement process using data to drive improvements in adherence to guideline recommendations and overall quality of care provided to heart attack patients.
